Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The first time I ever heard Slade was via their early 80s comeback hit 'Run Runaway' from
Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply, which still kills me and is turned up to full volume whenever I hear it. I still haven't heard that album, which I should probably remedy soon. Of course the 80s covers by Quiet Riot were also inescapable. I also like this one story about Slade from Danny Sugarman's almost certainly fictional 'autobiography' Wonderland Avenue. In it he's riding in the front of a limo to go and see Iggy Pop or something and Slade are in the back practically raping a young fan who as it turns out was Mackenzie Philips. Danny the hero tells them to knock the shit off and somehow Slade listens to them. Bullshit of course, because Slade probably would have pulled 15 year old Danny back in there and passed him around for dessert. Still, a great story. As for this bootleg from '73, it's been getting some serious play. Sound is great and the shit he yells at the crowd here is beyond belief, literally ordering everyone to MAKE..SOME..NOISE!!!! ENJOY YOURSELVES!! ALLRIGHT??? Nobody talks like that anymore, especially in the modern era, with the silent and ambivalent performer who typically ignore their audience. Not Slade. They tear it up here, some pure ol' rock 'n roll with excellent versions of "Gudbuy t'Jane" and "Mama Weer All Crazee Now".

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