Friday, January 4, 2008

An Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You Down

I'm not going to wax philosophic about a band as great as Faces. I will leave that to others more informed. I will say this is a fairly rockin' set from 1971 in Sacremento, with a rough sound but it's not unlistenable at all. It's unmistakably a bootleg, and after playing it at work today I'm nearly certain I was scaring people with it as they walked by the lab. Like who the fuck listens to this awful sounding stuff? I will take this time to highly recommend Ronnie: The Autobiography, easily one of the more enjoyable books I've read in awhile. Actually if would have been nice to have a bit more Faces, but the stories are still great. Same with this set. I played 'Love in Vain' more than a few times today already, and now that I've had a few, I'm sure I'll play it a few more times tonight. Drinking and the Faces just seem so right.

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